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  • Welcome to Delhi Public School, Dhuri.

Welcome to DPS Dhuri

The School functions towards imparting Holistic Education which will lead to the development of the students as responsible citizens. We inculcate values in them so that they efficiently discharge their duties as individuals and contribute towards world peace. We engage and empower students with skills and knowledge through engaged learning programs. We make our students custodians of their own, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

We aim to nurture excellent all-rounders. To acquaint students with the complete knowledge and allow them to break and set their own limits is what we aim at. Real Education is what the school aims for. Education should not be confined to the assimilation of knowledge, it should be integrated with co- curricular activities in the school in order to develop zeal and enthusiasm in the students, and also balance the physical and emotional growth. The school should also have a comprehensive sports curriculum to inculcate a strong sportsman spirit preparing the students for further challenges, Celebration of all festivals provides equal opportunities to every student to showcase his/her innate talents. We provide them with the proper exposure to unleash their true potential. It is our responsibility to encourage and help them discover their potential.

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Recent Activities

Founders' Day 2019

Founders' Day 2019

Deworming day

Deworming day

Lohri Carnival

Lohri Carnival

Graduation Day Celeb

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